I am
doing what he has spent the last few days doing. Watching video after video to
see if there is a face I can recognise: looking
at the scenes of devastation to see if I can identify places of safety that
friends could have gone to: the office I worked from is no longer standing: the area of Sagakahan where my friend and
god-daughter live is flattened and under water.
Going to school |
Barugo Church |
I keep wondering if the lovely children in the schools I visited have survived, what about the chatty man who sold me roast chicken and the miserable old cow at the supermarket check-out. What about MacMac who strapped half coconut husks on his feet to polish my floor. I can’t get any information about what has happened in Barugo where the biscuit makers co-operative I worked with live or in Barangay Bukid where the chicken rearing project was started. All we can do at the moment is to watch and wait and give money to the aid agencies. When the communications are up and running then I can send money directly. I think Western Union will get the money transfer system working as soon as possible, after all they aren’t going to miss a business opportunity like this, then I can send money directly to the people to help them try and rebuild their lives. It is all I can do.