Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Gone fishing - Part Two

The Mechanical Magician arrives with a device that would make Heath Robinson envious (or there again maybe not).  It is the new patent device for fishing doors out of rivers.  A pole with a piece of wood fixed on the bottom and the three magnets attached.  The theory is that because it is rigid it will make it easy to manoeuvre and find the door.  It doesn’t make it any easier to find the door, the door seems to have disappeared into The Nene equivalent of The Mariana Trench and is refusing to be located.  The contraption is heavy and awkward and when lobbing it into the river my paintwork and windows are under threat. We keep catching something heavy which may be the door or may be that sunken narrowboat again.  In the end we do thing I always recommend when cunning plans aren’t working.  We pack it in and go and have a cup of tea.

I have a piece of Perspex which fits the side hatch but which I have never used because I have to remove the side hatch doors to fit it in.  Well now I’m half way there, I remove the second door without dropping it in the river and fit the Perspex.  I like it better than the steel doors, it’s light and bright (and draughty but never mind that), the only downside is it illuminates the kitchen floor which is in serious need of a good clean.

We now need a new plan to retrieve my door.  The Mechanical Magician talks to a man in the chandlers who has a friend who knows a man who has the full scuba diving kit.  A decides if somebody is going diving he needs a chimney retrieving and if he’s down there he might as well bring up that butlers sink that is behind my boat because it will be useful for planting flowers in.

Later that day The Man Who Knows Everything comes over for coffee and tells me we have been going about this in the wrong way.  He will come over on Saturday and show us how it should be done.  Problem solved then.

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